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Young people, mental health and wellbeing: Exploring creative approaches and collaborations

Arty: a digital art therapy approach for vulnerable youth with mental health conditions


Why art matters for youth mental health: A youth-led participatory insight analysis

Kamala Easwaran, Lakshmi Narasimhan1, Anussha Murali, Deepika Easwaran, Tasneem Raja, and Yog Varun Japee

Using Arts-Based Therapies to Improve Mental Health for Children and Young People With Physical Health Long-Term Conditions: A Systematic Review of Effectiveness

Sarah Wigham, Patricia Watts, Ania Zubala, Sharmila Jandial, Jane Bourne and Simon Hackett

Supporting Youth Mental Health through the Arts: an evidence base and guide for teaching artists

English Language Arts Network (ELAN)

A Systematic Review of Arts-Based Interventions Delivered to Children and Young People in Nature or Outdoor Spaces: Impact on Nature Connectedness, Health and Wellbeing

Zoe Moula, Karen Palmer and Nicola Walshe

Creative arts and digitial interventions as potential tools in prevention and recovery from the mental health consequences of adverse childhood experiences

Kamaldeep Bhui, Sania Shakoor, Anna Mankee-Williams and Michaela Otis


Young people, mental health and wellbeing: Exploring creative approaches and collaborations

King’s College London

Engagement with arts and culture can have a positive impact on mental health in young people

University of Oxford

Benefits of Art and Wellbeing

Lessons from arts-based projects for young people seeking NHS mental health support

Online engagement with arts and culture can have a positive impact on young people’s mental health

University of Oxford

Arts funding central to improving youth wellbeing

University of Auckland